III Photonics INCT Workshop - INFO



INFO holds III Workshop
The III Photonics INCT Workshop - INFO - will be held from February 3rd to 5th in virtual format.
The scientific program is available for everyone to access (click here).


INFO holds II Workshop in Araraquara, SP.
The II Worshop of the INCT Photonics - INFO - will be held from 12 to 15 February in Araraquara, SP, where UNESP is located, one of the participating institutions.
The scientific program is available for everyone to access (CLICK HERE) and will be attended by Professors Paras Prasad, Buffalo University, and Rainer Kling, AFLPHANOV, France. About 140 participants are already confirmed.

Nobel Prize for Physics of 2018 went for "pioneering inventions in the field of laser physics".
The Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics to Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for their "pioneering inventions in the field of laser physics".

Read the official information in

SBFOTON successfully held its first conference

The recently created Brazilian Society of Photonics (https://www.sbfoton.org.br) held its first conference from October 8 to 10, at CPqD in Campinas. See the plenary speakers and articles presented in technical sessions on the Society page. Enroll in the Society and join SBFOTON, and receive the biweekly newsletter.


The National Institute of Photonics – INFO, is one of the National Institutes approved under the INCTs program (National Institutes of Science and Technology) supported by the MCTIC/CNPq/CAPES/FAPs in Brazil, now in its second phase (2016-2022).

Photonics has been defined as the science and technology of light. It deals with the generation, detection, harnessing and applications of light, whose basic unit if the photon. As already recognized, photonics is everywhere around us: from sunlight based photovoltaics to optical communications and health; from materials processing to everyday products like DVD players and mobile phones. More than 34 Nobel Prizes were given to scientists due to Optics and Photonics related scientific and technological achievements.

Our mission is to expand world class photonics research, innovation and education in Brazil.


The INFO is formed by 21 institutions, with 05 institutions with research groups consolidated in the theme of photonics and its applications, 05 institutions with emerging groups. In addition to these 10 institutions that form the basic nucleus of the INFO, 11 institutions are considered associated, since they have one or two researchers working on the INFO sub-projects in collaboration with consolidated groups.

As shown on the map, these 21 institutions are scattered in 05 Brazilian states, being 07 in the Northeast, 13 in the Southeast and 01 in the Midwest.

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Universidade Federal do Vale do São Fransisco


Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida


Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Universidade de Pernambuco


Universidade Federal de Goiás


Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Universidade de São Paulo - Ribeirão Preto


Universidade Federal de Alfenas


Universidade de São Paulo - São Carlos


Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Universidade Federal de Juíz de Fora


Universidade Federal de São Paulo - São José dos Camps


Universidade Estadual Paulista


Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares


Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo


Universidade Federal do ABC


Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Estaual Paulista


One of the INFO strengths is its comprehensive program of international scientific collaboration. Through common scientific projects, the international mobility of researchers / students between INFO members and their international partners makes the research environment highly dynamic.

The map of international collaborations shows the diversity of Countries with which there is collaboration, whose details are shown in the table below.

A complete list of associated international institutions can be seen here

associated international institutions


The INFO research program is shown in the diagram below, and has work in 03 sub-areas of the photonics: Nonlinear Photonics, Devices and Applications; Biophotonics and Optomicrofluidics.

associated international institutions

In these three sub-areas, 50 sub-projects are led by the INFO researchers, with 23 sub-projects in Non-Linear Photonics, Devices and Applications; 17 sub-projects in Biophotonics and 10 sub-projects in Optomicrofluidics.

Nonlinear Photonics can be defined as the junction of some traditional areas of optics, particularly nonlinear optics (read more in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonlinear_optics), whose scientific development has generated devices and applications in the field of photonics, such as sources of supercontinuum generation, optical harmonics or optical amplifiers in bulk or integrated devices

Biophotonics (read more at http://www.photonics4life.eu/P4L/About-Photonics4Life/What-is-Biophotonics) is a multidisciplinary area of interface between photonics and biomedical areas, with important social impact.

Optomicrofluidics (read more at https://www.elveflow.com/microfluidic-tutorials/microfluidic-reviews-and-tutorials/microfluidics/) employs photonics in conjunction with microfluidics, whose applications range from use in sensors to type lab-on-chips.

A complete list of 50 INFO subprojects can be seen here.


The INFO's main resource is its human capital, made up of a permanent team of senior researchers and young researchers, post-docs, doctoral students, masters and scientific initiation.

Currently counting 41 permanent researchers in the 10 institutions that form the base of the INFO, 22 researchers from the 11 Associated Institutions are also part of the Institute, making a total of 63 permanent researchers.

In addition, the INFO has about 150 researchers being trained, among post-docs, doctoral students, master's degree and scientific initiation students (undergrad).

The names and e-mail addresses of the leading researchers and trainee researchers are listed below, remembering that postdocs and students are transient, and the e-mail address may be outdated at some point or the researcher has already completed their formation.


The administrative management of the INFO is carried out by the researchers themselves, with the support of personnel from the coordinating institution (UFPE). INFO has a Steering Committee made up of researchers from the consolidated institutions and the former coordinator of the INFO phase I. The table below shows the administrative structure of INFO.

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Steering Committee

Anderson S. L. Gomes

PhD, Prof. Titular - UFPE (Coordenador)

Sidney José Lima Ribeiro

DSc, Prof. Titular - UNESP

Cid Bartolomeu de Araújo

PhD, Prof. Titular - UFPE

Younes Messaddeq

PhD, Prof. Titular - UNESP

Sérgio Carlos Zílio

DSc, Prof. Titular - USP

Cleber Renato Mendonça

DSc, Prof. Titular - USP

Wagner de Rossi

DSc, Tecnologista - CNEN

Denise Maria Zezell

DSc, Pesquisador Titular - CNEN

Luciana Reyes Pires Kassab

DSc, Prof. Superior III - CEETEPS


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